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We are very fortunate to have a native French speaking teacher, Claire Buckley as a member of our staff. Claire is extremely creative -- she is a talented artist and loves music and drama. She incorporates all her wonderful talents into her lessons.

For younger children, French is taught through games, songs and nursery rhymes. As they get older, the pupils add reading and writing in French to their repertoire.

The material used is bright, colourful and adapted for various ages. During class children are encouraged to express themselves in French as often as possible. As the teacher addresses pupils in French during classes, they gain a very good general understanding of the language over the years.

A special effort is made by the teacher to ensure that all children get a very good pronunciation of French. When they leave the school in sixth class, their accent is usually excellent. The learning of a language should always be done through fun activities, hence we prepare plays in French that are presented to families and friends. The children love the idea of acting and singing in French for their families, so they work very hard and present performances of a very high standard.

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